
CECIP Newsletter Q4 2021

CECIP Newsletter Q4 2021


Dear readers,

Again another year has passed and again an exceptional year for CECIP and the world. Despite all the limitations I’m glad to see the CECIP work continued at full pace with a range of interesting and also some new activities.

We continued having our regular working group meetings online and also started new initiatives such as the members-only webinars on ‘Updates from Europe’ or ‘Brexit’. With these webinars CECIP wants to provide more support to all CECIP members, not only the ones not already active in the working groups. Considering the positive reactions, we’ll keep on organising these members-only webinars alongside the public policy webinars. You will be invited for these policy webinars via this newsletter.

Another new successful initiative in 2021 was the CECIP ‘World with Weighing’ campaign. With a positive message on the importance of quality weighing we reached a large audience via social media, our website and articles in magazines. In 2022 we’ll continue reaching out to a buyers and users of weighing instruments with a follow-up campaign.

With respect to legal metrology, one key topic for 2022 is the European Commission’s study to evaluate the need for a revision of the Non-Automatic Weighing Instrument Directive and Measuring Instruments Directive. CECIP is of the opinion that the legislation is generally still fit for purpose, but certain aspects should be improved. Therefore, it is interesting to see what the study will conclude and providing input to this study will be one of the main activities of the CECIP Legal Metrology Group.

Finally, I’m very enthusiastic about the work done in the International Cooperation Group on the organisation of the International Conference of Weighing (ICW). This three-day conference should bring together industry...
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CECIP Newsletter Q3 2021

CECIP Newsletter Q3 2021


CECIP webinar on ‘Certification in one day’ – 7 September

To keep up with the continuous developments of weighing instruments and reduce the administrative burden it is needed to reduce the time it takes to obtain certificates such as EU type-approval certificates. Therefore, CECIP organised on 7 September the CECIP webinar on ‘certification in one day’ to discuss how this can be done. During this webinar speakers from LNE (Thomas Lommatzsch), PTB (Dorothea Knopf) and Dibal (Joan Martinez) presented their views on what should and can be done to improve the certification procedures. It resulted in an interesting debate with clear ideas for improvement. Overall, it seems that a ‘certification in one day’ might be a bit too optimistic, but there are certainly improvements possible to make the certification procedures faster.

The presentations of the webinar can be downloaded below:


World with weighing campaign reaches its end

The CECIP ‘World with Weighing’ campaign has come to an end. Starting in March, the campaign aimed at informing the public, users and buyers about the importance of accurate and reliable weighing. Visuals, video’s and articles on social media highlighted the role of quality weighing in the current world. As mentioned in the tag line of the campaign, weighing is more than just a number. Weighing enables high-quality research, ensures fair business transactions and improves the quality of production.

Overall, the campaign is considered a great success by CECIP by spreading the messages to a large crowd via the different channels. CECIP is committed to continue informing weighing instrument users and consumers about the importance of quality weighing. Therefore, the campaign website ( Read More

CECIP Newsletter Q2 2021

CECIP Newsletter Q2 2021


Invitation: CECIP webinar ‘certification in one day’ – 7 September

In a world where weighing instruments are continuously improved the duration of the process to obtain type approval certificates should, ideally, be reduced to a minimum. This increases the speed of innovation and diminishes the administrative burden. Fortunately, new (digital) solutions provide opportunities for industry and notified bodies to reduce the time to obtain legal metrology certificates.

National metrology institutes and industry stakeholders are working on reducing the time of that process. Initiatives and projects are ongoing to improve various parts of the process. On 7 September CECIP is organising a webinar from 15.00 to 16.30 CET where metrology institutes and the weighing industry will discuss their experiences and views on how to work towards a ‘certification in one day’. We’re glad to announce speakers from the metrology institutes PTB (Dorothea Knopf/Oliver Mack) and LNE (Thomas Lommatzsch). Joan Martinez (Dibal) and Karlheinz Banholzer (Sartorius) will present the industry perspective.

The webinar is open for all stakeholders, so feel free to invite your colleagues and network. Registration is possible until 6 September here.


Coming: International Conference of Weighing – April 2023

CECIP and its international partners from the US, Japan, China, South Korea and Australia will organise in April 2023 the first edition of the International Conference of Weighing. The idea of this event is to organise a three-day conference for the global weighing industry, relevant authorities and other stakeholders. It will be a great opportunity to meet weighing companies and authorities from all over the world and listen to presentation on the latest developments in various fields. The tentative dates for the conference are 24-26 April 2023 and it will be...
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CECIP Newsletter Q1 2021

CECIP Newsletter Q1 2021


CECIP launches ‘world with weighing’ campaign

Weighing is an essential part of our daily lives, from the moment you’re born to the food you eat every day. However, the general public and many businesses are not always aware of the importance of quality weighing. Therefore, CECIP launched the ‘world with weighing’ campaign which gives a wide range of examples to users and buyers of weighing instruments on the use of reliable weighing in various areas. The aim is indirectly to convince the uses and buyers to invest in quality weighing instruments and the appropriate maintenance. This will be done in the three parts of the campaign. The first part of the campaign focusses on the daily lives where is shown how the world would look like without weighing. For example, the prices for certain products that are normally weighed seem unfair. In the second part there will be a focus on the importance for businesses such as the impact unreliable weighing has on quality of production. Finally, the third part will inform the target audience about the legal metrology framework and the need for being compliant.

During the next months a number of visuals with examples will be promoted via social media, articles will be published in magazines, video’s shared and a dedicated website (www.worldwithweighing) is launched. With the help of the national associations this was also translated in different languages. All interested parties are invited to follow the campaign via the website or the CECIP social media.


Input from CECIP to discussion on EU metrology directives

CECIP provided input to the discussion on the fitness for purpose of Directive 2014/31/EU on non-automatic weighing instruments and Directive 2014/32/EU on Measuring Instruments. While the directives...
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CECIP Newsletter Q4 2020

CECIP Newsletter Q4 2020


Dear readers, 

2020 is about to end and I think everyone would agree it has been an interesting year. Of course, the obvious impact of the COVID-19 pandemic made it at times difficult for the European weighing industry. Also CECIP was impacted in several ways such as being forced to organise our General Assembly for the first time, successfully I should say, as online meeting. Despite the difficulties, I’m glad to see that the CECIP work has continued relatively smoothly due to the flexibility and efforts from all members. We carried on with our work by providing input the initiatives from the European Commission, OIML and WELMEC. Moreover, it created new opportunities to bring together various stakeholders to discuss the important topics of the future during two webinars. Our plan is to continue with these types of events to keep the discussions going. 

For CECIP the year was also special because of a number of personal changes. In 2020 we appointed new Presidents of the International Cooperation Group (ICG) and Business & Trade Group (BTG) and I started in my role as CECIP President. Luckily, we are in a luxurious position of taking over a well-run CECIP and working groups from our predecessors. I would like to thanks once more Urs Widmer, Richard Herbert and Roland Nater for their invaluable contributions to CECIP.  

For the future, I’m confident the ICG President Luis Cachón and new BTG President Juan Román will lead these groups to new successes with their own ideas and energy. There are already some exciting plans for the next year. You will hear more details in the coming months and I’m looking forward to working on these new initiatives and to continue with our existing work in 2021.  

However, before starting with the work of 2021, I think we all deserve some...
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