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CECIP started with a new Secretary General in 2024 after Samuel Schmidt took over the role from Tim Hamers who left CECIP after 5 successful years. The onboarding process was well organized and enabled an efficient takeover of the new role. Nevertheless, the first month were very busy for the whole CECIP management team. This includes the onboarding effort done by the CECIP President Luis Cachon and the LMG President Karlheinz Banholzer and the LMG Vice President Ian Turner. After first online LMG meeting the new Secretary General had the opportunity to visit various member companies and national associations to get an overview of the work in the companies and in the national associations. It was a great opportunity to gain insights into the industrial processes and to better understand the perspectives and needs from different companies and member associations.

During January a company visit together with former CECIP President Nick Parsons took place at Minebea-Intec in Aachen. End of January the prestigious PTB conference took place in Braunschweig. In February BTG and Board meetings took place in Brussels, which is always a good opportunity to meet face-to-face and exchange views. In southern Germany the SG visited Bizerba, Balingen and Mettler-Toledo, Albstadt. In Frankfurt meetings took place with the measuring technology section of VDMA. In Göttingen the SG had the chance to visit Sartorius. After an introductory meeting with the UKWF Board in London, the new SG travelled in March to Spain and met with representatives of DIBAL, Basque Country and AECIP in Barcelona to understand the different needs of CECIP members. At the same time various introductory meetings took place with all CECIP members and stakeholders as OIML, BIML, WELMEC, Nobomet, Euramet, Eurolab and others.  



Internationally CECIP started the kick-off for the ICW 2026 and established two Steering committees for Asia-Australia-Europe and America-Europe, which are each meeting approximately every two months. Also, the CECIP ad-hoc working group on digitalization was restarted. While reactivating the networking with important stakeholders as the European Commission’s DG Grow section, CECIP participated at the 6th meeting of the Commission Expert Group on Machinery and on a high level Orgalim event and relevant CECIP contacts. In April CECIP participated at the Gulf Metrology Forum in Dubai, where Nadina Korthäuer from Espera-Werke provided a speech on behalf of CECIP.  In Riga/Lativa Ian Turner participated in WELMEC WG5 meeting with market surveillance authorities. From OIML side a webinar session with e-learning topics about legal metrology was initiated and welcomed by CECIP. The CECIP AI group started to work on a position paper on AI in weighing, which is by now almost finished.

The SG continued with company visits in Switzerland, where he met Mettler-Toledo in Zürich, Haenni Instruments in Kirchberg and METAS in Bern, where a first fruitful in person exchange with Bobjoseph Matthew also in his role as OIML President took place. Within few weeks the 74th General Assembly in CECIP had to be organized including high level speakers and delegate packages. At the same time the CECIP finances from 2023 and 2024 were updated with an income and cash-flow statement as well as a finance overview. Another major working stream was the management of the revision of the CECIP statutes. Therefore a few items have been sent to the members to gather feedback. The SG provided a speech at the WELMEC Committee meeting in Bruges where Karlheinz Banholzer and Samuel Schmidt attended for CECIP. Also, in May the SG attended the General Assembly of CECIPs new stakeholder European Accreditation, which took place also in Bruges.

From 5-7th of June a very successful 74th CECIP General Assembly too place in Prague. As Nick Parsons, Daniel Stastny and Graham Spink stepped down from their Board positions for different reasons, two new Board candidates were nominated in a candidature process and elected at the CECIP General Assembly. Marina Campbell as Managing Director of Precia Molen UK and Matej Hraska as Managing Director of Tamtron Group CZ. With Tamtron Group a new individual member company joined CECIP and is representing with Finland the first Scandinavian country in CECIP. The CECIP management team is very glad for this prestigious new member, which will bring relevant experience into CECIP. At the international level, cooperation with Japan, the USA, Australia and China was strengthened and a stronger commitment through associate membership with international partners was discussed.

After the General Assembly the SG provided a speech at COFIP and meetings took place with Mehdi Hocine, head of Machinery at DG Grow, in which the CECIP goals and vision 2030 was presented and the specific case of AECIP was pushed forward. CECIP was further answering a questionnaire developed by CSES for the evaluation of MID/NAWID and cooperated on a case study on digital inscriptions. DG Grow is still in the phase of the evaluation if the MID/NAWID revision will take place or not. At the same time a merge of both Directives is discussed and CECIP supports this harmonization. The LMG team analyzed the answers to the convenor responses of the OIML R76 and provided feedback from CECIP. Furthermore the modular approach was discussed internally with PTB and the OIML.


Preview of relevant appointments:

26.08-29.08 IMEKO Conference in Hamburg

16.10.2024 Min Max e case at the Federal administration court in Leipzig, Germany

12.09.2024 WG Measuring Instruments meeting in the European Commission

11.09-13.09.2024 InterWEIGHING Fair, Nanjing International Expo Center

18.09.2024 BTG meeting with kick of of CECIP campaign

18.09 – 19.09.2024 European Accreditation Laboratory Committee meeting in Brussels

24.09-25.09.2024 CMI Training in Prague

25.09.2024 CEN/CLC/JTC meeting

26.09.2024 NoBOMet - Digital Certificates of Conformity in Metrology

09-10.10.2024 QI Digital Forum Berlin

16.10-17.10.2024 CMI Training in Prague

22.10-24.10.2024 59th CIML meeting

05.11.2024 CECIP LMG meeting

20.011-21.11 European Accreditation General Assembly in Estoril, Portugal

26.10-27.10.2024 Metrologea Sao Paulo, Brazil