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CECIP's structure

The CECIP structure consist of several groups with different members, all supported by the CECIP secretariat in Brussels. Below you can find an overview of the structure.

CECIP Structure3

General Assembly

The General Assembly, comprising of delegates from each member association is the highest decision and policy making body of CECIP. It meets once a year in spring in one of the member countries of CECIP.


The Presidents of CECIP, elected and appointed by the General Assembly for three years, ensure the co-ordination of CECIP's work and the external representation of CECIP.


President Cachón, Luis Mettler Toledo, Switzerland
Vice-President Korthäuer, Dr. Marcus    Espera Werke GmbH, Germany 
Vice-President Vacant  


Luis  Cachon Mettler-Toledo
Marcus  Korthäuer  Espera-Werke GmbH
Karlheinz Banholzer Sartorius 
Juan Roman Nava DIBAL
Daniel  Kneubühl  Haenni Instruments
Frederic  Fossi  Arpege Master K
Marina  Campbell Precia Molen UK
Matej Hraska  Tamtron CZ

Legal Metrology Working Group (LMG)

The LMG deals with the analysis of the relevant regulatory framework and represents the industry´s position within this legislative process. Furthermore, the LMG participates in the work of international organisations, such as OIML (International Organization for Legal Metrology) and WELMEC (European Cooperation in Legal Metrology). But LMG does not only deal with Legal Metrology issues but also with private metrology as for example the calibration guidelines of EURAMET. Any other important Metrology issues in private metrology are covered by the LMG.

Presidents and vice president of the LMG are:

President of LMG:

Banholzer, Karlheinz

Sartorius Lab Instruments, Germany


Turner, Ian

UK Weighing Federation, UK

Business and Trade Working Group (BTG)

The BTG focuses on securing fair competition within the EU internal market, ensuring a proper and uniform control of instruments in service by the relevant authorities. To achieve this goal the BTG collects and analyses the market situation and advocates for the improvement of market surveillance, especially when it comes to customs controls.

The president of the BTG is:

President of BTG

Juan Román

Dibal, Spain

International Cooperation Group (ICG)

CECIP cooperates with several other international trade organisations representing measuring industries. This cooperation is coordinated within the ICG group. 

The president of the ICG is:

President of ICG:

 Daniel Kneubuehl

 HAENNI, Switzerland


The Secretariat of CECIP is located in Brussels. It is in charge of the daily management of the association and is led by the Secretary General, Samuel Schmidt. His work is supported by Sonia Schikowsky as Assistant. In addition, the Secretariat coordinates the work of three working groups of CECIP.

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