CECIP participated in the Joint Activity for the Compliance of Products (JACOP) project, which focuses among other sectors on NAWIs. The project is a collaboration of Market Surveillance Authorities (MSAs), CECIP and the European Commission. The objective of the joint project is to promote compliance, identify non-compliance, raise awareness, and provide guidance on EU harmonization.
We have developed a guidance document “Guide for online sellers & online platforms of Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments (NAWIs) for the EU single market” to provide guidance to persons/business selling NAWIs for commercial purposes via online platforms in the EU single market and to ensure that sellers are aware of the requirements of the NAWI Directive 2014/31/EU.
CECIP aims to ensure consumer protection and achieve a level playing field between manufacturers. Please share the guide with fulfilment service providers, distributors, and website providers to ensure product compliance.