Weighing-in-Motion (WIM) systems measure the weight of vehicles when those are driving over the measurement point. Up to now WIM systems are mainly used at lower speed in legal metrology applications. However, WIM systems become more and more common in the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). These systems are used for monitoring and pre-selection of overloaded vehicles on highways at travelling speed. Therefore, the need to certify such systems for legal applications is becoming more important.
There are currently three well known “standards” which are used for local approvals or just to characterise or classify WIM systems. CECIP is convinced that the drafts of these standards cannot be considered a reasonable standard and following legal metrology principles. Such regulation may incur that low quality products could enter into the marked and create unfair competition, juridical problems and a bad reputation for standards that CECIP is supporting.
OIML recommendations are the most accepted standards in legal metrology word-wide. A revision of the OIML R134 to make it suitable for the intended applications is the optimal solution according to CECIP. Therefore, CECIP is in favour of a revision of the OIML recommendation R134 to adapt it to the actual and future needs and to assure that a reasonable EU standard, based on a revised OIML recommendation, is realised for every type of WIM system.
The full position paper can be found here.