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From 12 to 15 June CECIP´s 69th General Assembly will take place in Bratislava. This year it will be kindly organised by CECIP´s Slovak member Únia Váharov in Hotel Devín.

On Wednesday 12 June and Thursday 13 June in the morning internal meetings will take place for CECIP members of the respective working groups. Thursday afternoon there will be the Legal Metrology seminar with speakers from industry and authorities. The programme is currently being finalised and details will be shared soon.

Friday includes an open part of the General Assembly with speakers and international guests. Furthermore, the CECIP General Assembly for its members takes place. In the evenign there is a gala dinner. The General Assembly is ended with an excursion in Bratislava on Saturday 15 June.

All companies that are member of a national association that is a CECIP member are kindly invited to this event and registerion starts with sending an email to Tim Hamers (tim.hamers@cecip.eu). by 30 April. More information on the detailed programme and registration procedure will be sent afterwards.