CECIP Newsletter Q4 2021
Dear readers,
Again another year has passed and again an exceptional year for CECIP and the world. Despite all the limitations I’m glad to see the CECIP work continued at full pace with a range of interesting and also some new activities.
We continued having our regular working group meetings online and also started new initiatives such as the members-only webinars on ‘Updates from Europe’ or ‘Brexit’. With these webinars CECIP wants to provide more support to all CECIP members, not only the ones not already active in the working groups. Considering the positive reactions, we’ll keep on organising these members-only webinars alongside the public policy webinars. You will be invited for these policy webinars via this newsletter.
Another new successful initiative in 2021 was the CECIP ‘World with Weighing’ campaign. With a positive message on the importance of quality weighing we reached a large audience via social media, our website and articles in magazines. In 2022 we’ll continue reaching out to a buyers and users of weighing instruments with a follow-up campaign.
With respect to legal metrology, one key topic for 2022 is the European Commission’s study to evaluate the need for a revision of the Non-Automatic Weighing Instrument Directive and Measuring Instruments Directive. CECIP is of the opinion that the legislation is generally still fit for purpose, but certain aspects should be improved. Therefore, it is interesting to see what the study will conclude and providing input to this study will be one of the main activities of the CECIP Legal Metrology Group.
Finally, I’m very enthusiastic about the work done in the International Cooperation Group on the organisation of the International Conference of Weighing (ICW). This three-day conference should bring together industry representatives and authorities from all over the world. We already have the commitment from international organisations OIML and BIPM and industry associations from Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, US, Argentina and Brazil to work with us on organising this. The first edition will take place from 24 to 26 April 2023 in Hamburg and you’ll be all invited. I’m confident it will be an outstanding event which you don’t want to miss. More information will be sent soon.
These are just some examples of the work done in the last year and plans for the next. With these activities 2022 will be an exciting year for CECIP and I’m particularly looking forward to seeing all CECIP members again at the physical General Assembly in London from 22 to 24 June later this year.
To finish I want to thank all CECIP members for their contributions to the CECIP work. The work from CECIP is only successful with the commitment and effort from our members. To all of you I wish you a great 2022.
Kind regards,
Nick Parsons
CECIP President
‘Updates from Europe’ CECIP members-only webinar well received
On 25 November, the successful first edition of the CECIP members-only webinar on ‘Updates from Europe’ took place. This webinar aims at informing all CECIP members about important developments in different countries or at European level.
The topics of the presentations came from various European countries and were given by representative from several national association and the UK government. Topics of the presentations were:
- German prepackage legislation (Markus Heseding, VDMA)
- Accessing the UK market (Ian Turner, UKWf)
- UKCA marking (Anna Sladden, BEIS UK)
- Spanish metrology legislation (Josep Campolier, AECIP)
- Displaying min, max, e (Markus Heseding, VDMA)
The presentations are available for all CECIP members and can be requested via info@cecip.eu. Considering the positive response a next ‘Updates from Europe’ webinar will be organised in 2022. More information will follow and all CECIP members will be invited.
CECIP participates in CIML and WELMEC Committee meeting
In the last months CECIP participated both in the CIML meeting of OIML and the WELMEC Committee meeting. At the CIML meeting and OIML Conference from 18 to 22 October the plans for the future and actions from last years from OIML were discussed. The main decision for the European weighing industry was the adoption of the new OIML Recommendation 60 on load cells (see next article). Moreover, a CECIP report with its main activities was presented.
The WELMEC Committee meeting took place on 4 and 5 November, where updates from different working groups were presented. CECIP particularly welcomes the project as part of WELMEC WG5 on the mutual recognition of reverification authorisations. Furthermore, several new WELMEC guides we approved including Guide 7.6 on Risk Assessments for software and Guide 2.10 on the Modular Evaluation. All updated guides can be found here.
CECIP also had the opportunity to give a presentation during the meeting where it invited all participants to the International Conference of Weighing and asked Member States to follow the interpretations in adopted WELMEC guides. Situations where Member State authorities change their interpretations of requirements without following appropriate procedures cause problematic situations for the European weighing industry.
New OIML R60 on load cells published
OIML published the updated 2021 version of OIML Recommendation 60 on load cells. This new version was approved at the CIML meeting in October. The changes in comparison with the previous version are minimal since this was only an update of the recommendation and no full revision. The main points that changed are regarding the marking and additional information on the load cell and the possibility to do some disturbance tests without a load. You can find the document with the different parts here.