Read below the CECIP newsletter for Q4 of 2022:
Registrations open for ICW 2023
From 24 to 26 April the first International Conference of Weighing (ICW) will take place in Hamburg. This conference will be the main event for everyone involved in the weighing sector. It brings together manufacturers, service providers, metrology institutes and authorities from all over the world to network and listen to interesting presentations.
The registrations for the event are now opened and you can register via the ICW website: www.weighingconference.com. For the delegates that book early there is a discount which is applicable until 31 December 2022.
The programme is almost finalised and the latest version can be found on the website. It includes different sessions on legal, applied and scientific metrology making it an attractive programme for all. We’re glad to announce key speakers from metrology institutes, industry and authorities to discuss a range of topics related to digitalisation.
More information on the venue, accommodation and sponsoring possibilities can be found on the conference website as well.
German court rules in favour of digital solution when displaying min, max, e
In the last years there have been a number of discussions on the different interpretation regarding the requirements to show min, max and e on a weighing display only and not on the plate. This issue was brought to the court where a regional German market surveillance authority (NRW) was of the opinion it should also be on a separate plate even though the digital display only option is explicitly allowed in the relevant OIML Recommendation, harmonised standard and WELMEC guide. According to the scale manufacturers involved it is allowed on the display only. CECIP fully supports this position of the involved scale manufacturers.
In two recent rulings, the Higher Administrative Court (OVG) in Münster (Germany) has confirmed the legal opinion of scale manufacturers and their implementation of the EU directive for non-automatic weighing instruments (NAWID). This means the min, max, e, should be allowed on the display only. There are several consequences of this decision and you can find a more elaborate explanation in the article on the VDMA website.
Unfortunately, the regional market surveillance authority of NRW decided to appeal against the decision. This means that the court proceedings continue at the next level which will extend the period of legal uncertainty and will require the investment of more resources for this specific problem. In parallel there is also the European safeguard procedure ongoing which would have been stopped in case there was no appeal. Therefore, the story continues and CECIP will closely follow the procedure.
Updates from Europe webinar – 14 December
On 14 December the latest edition of the Updates from Europe webinar took place. This webinar for all CECIP members aims at presenting the main legal metrology developments at EU and national level. During the webinar the information is presented to make it accessible for all members including the ones not active in the legal metrology field or within CECIP. Over 50 participants listened to presentations on the following topics:
- Slovak metrology legislation
- AWI reverifications in Italy
- Requirements to access the UK market
- State of play OIML Recommendation revisions
All presentations are available for CECIP members and they can request them by sending an email to info@cecip.eu. A next edition of the Updates from Europe webinar is scheduled for the first half of 2023.
CECIP joins European Accreditation
CECIP was accepted as recognised stakeholder of European Accreditation (EA). EA is the European co-operation for Accreditation and its members are National Accreditation Bodies. They are officially appointed to maintain a multilateral agreement of mutual recognition based on a harmonised accreditation infrastructure. They exchange information and work on guidelines. CECIP considers it a good way to be involved in this area which is important for the European weighing industry and is pleased to be accepted as recognised stakholder. Experts from CECIP will become active in the certification, inspection and laboratory committee. You can find more information on EA on their website: www.european-accreditation.org