Event Single


The EU Single Market for goods and services is one of the key pillars of the European cooperation. It brings major benefits to industries such as the European weighing industry. CECIP, the European weighing industry association, welcomes the EU Single Market and calls on EU decision maker to strengthen it further by harmonising the reverification requirements for weighing instruments.

The fragmented legislation is a major problem for the weighing industry. CECIP carried out a survey amongst its members concluding that 50% of the companies in the European weighing industry don´t carry out reverifications abroad and the main reason is fragmented legislation. Moreover, for the companies that carry out reverifications already, the total costs of the differences in legislation are estimated over 6 million euro per year. For the weighing industry this is a large amount of resources that cannot be invested in other areas such as R&D. 

Therefore, CECIP calls on two main actions by the EU. First of all, to introduce harmonised requirements for reverifications of weighing instruments at EU level. Secondly, to make sure companies only need to obtain one audit to carry out official reverifications.

The full CECIP position paper describing the situation can be found here.