Invitation: CECIP webinar ‘certification in one day’ – 7 September
In a world where weighing instruments are continuously improved the duration of the process to obtain type approval certificates should, ideally, be reduced to a minimum. This increases the speed of innovation and diminishes the administrative burden. Fortunately, new (digital) solutions provide opportunities for industry and notified bodies to reduce the time to obtain legal metrology certificates.
National metrology institutes and industry stakeholders are working on reducing the time of that process. Initiatives and projects are ongoing to improve various parts of the process. On 7 September CECIP is organising a webinar from 15.00 to 16.30 CET where metrology institutes and the weighing industry will discuss their experiences and views on how to work towards a ‘certification in one day’. We’re glad to announce speakers from the metrology institutes PTB (Dorothea Knopf/Oliver Mack) and LNE (Thomas Lommatzsch). Joan Martinez (Dibal) and Karlheinz Banholzer (Sartorius) will present the industry perspective.
The webinar is open for all stakeholders, so feel free to invite your colleagues and network. Registration is possible until 6 September here.
Coming: International Conference of Weighing – April 2023
CECIP and its international partners from at least the US, Japan, China, South Korea and Australia will organise in April 2023 the first edition of the International Conference of Weighing. The idea of this event is to organise a three-day conference for the global weighing industry, relevant authorities and other stakeholders. It will be a great opportunity to meet weighing companies and authorities from all over the world and listen to presentation on the latest developments in various fields. The tentative dates for the conference are 24-26 April 2023 and it will be held in Germany. More information will follow later, but interested stakeholders are already encouraged to pencil the dates in their agenda.
Interview with CECIP President as part of world with weighing campaign
On World Metrology Day (20 May) CECIP published an interview with CECIP President Nick Parsons on the importance of reliable and accurate weighing. This interview is part of the CECIP world with weighing campaign that was launched earlier this year. The campaign aims at informing users of weighing instruments about all aspects of weighing in our daily lives and particularly the importance of quality weighing. This is done via articles such as the interview and social media posts. In the interview, which is sent as press release as well, Nick Parsons explains the need for investments in quality weighing instruments and appropriate maintenance. You can find the full interview here.
More information on the World with Weighing campaign can be found on this dedicated website.
CECIP General Assembly 2021 on 11 June
On 11 June the 71st CECIP General Assembly took place as online meeting. The GA started with a moment of silence for former CECIP President Vincent van der Wel who sadly passed away recently. Vincent’s impact on CECIP can hardly be overestimated in his roles as President, Board, BTG & LMG member and President of the Dutch association VLW. After this moment the meeting began with updates on the main activities from the Board, LMG, BTG ICG and national associations.
The results from the market data survey were presented as well. The general trend in the European weighing industry is a weak 2020 with a contraction of the weighing industry market in most countries. For 2021 the forecasts are more positive and most associations expect growth in their home market.
During the statutory part of the meeting the GA welcomed Graham Spink as new CECIP Board member. Graham is currently AWM Managing Director and UKWF President and is looking forward to contribute to the work of CECIP.