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Last year CECIP published its position on the simplification of software requirements. This position stressed that the detailed software requirements for weighing instruments that are set in WELMEC guides are overly technical and complicated. They are also open to different interpretations. Therefore, CECIP is calling for simpler, consistent and futureproof requirements set in WELMEC guides.

The position is now updated with two main new concrete actions. These are:

  • Incorporate guide 2.3 requirements in guide 7.2

Whilst recognising the significance of the Guide 2.3 in the development and design of Non-automatic weighing instruments CECIP also recognise that the Guide 2.3 is now anachronistic and does not reflect the rapidly changing technologies in the market place. CECIP is of the view that the improved methods of software control can most easily achieved by revoking the Guide 2.3 and incorporating requirements that relate to NAWI’s in the Guide 7.2 and would encourage WELMEC WG7 to undertake this.

  • Further develop risk-based approach

Moreover, current WELMEC Guides only consider technical solutions to control software and do not consider procedural quality-based solutions that would enable manufacturers to demonstrate compliance via other methods. The present technical solutions can be inflexible with regard to rapidly developing new technologies and do not necessarily enable manufacturers to ensure technical compliance easily. CECIP would encourage WG7 to further develop the risk-based approach that is currently being worked on with the ultimate goal of allowing all stakeholders to use recognised risk management and quality assurance techniques in the evaluation of their software. This would enable manufacturers, notified bodies and market surveillance authorities to use mutually agreed risk management tools to ensure the full compliance with the regulatory framework.

CECIP calls on the relevant WELMEC working groups to make the necessary changes to make the software requirements ready for the future and not hamper innovation in the European weighing industry.

 The updated position paper can be found here.