Weighing instruments are used in a large number of sectors and play a crucial role in many of them. Still, it is not always clear for everyone where they are used and why these instruments are important. Therefore, CECIP is is publishing a series of documents where the use of weighing instruments in different sectors is explained.
Chances are high that the food someone eats in a day is weighed before it is eaten. Food production is one sector that is reliant on high-quality weighing instruments in various parts of the process. They are key to ensure the quality and safety of food production. Furthermore, modern weighing instruments contribut to further automatization of production processes. Also consumer protection is improved with reliable weighing instruments where consumers pay for what they get. This shows once more that weighing instruments are everywhere in the food production sector. It is important for consumers and businesses that they can rely on these instruments. The European weighing industry produces the weighing instruments that allow for safe, efficient and fair food production.
A full description of weighing instruments in the food production sector can be found here.