Bulletin d'information

CECIP Newsletter Q1 2023

CECIP Newsletter Q1 2023


One more month until the ICW

The first edition of the International Conference of Weighing is only one more month away. The preparations are being finalised and the final programme including all the titles of the presentations is being available here. We’re convinced this is a very interesting programme for everyone in the weighing sector with parallel tracks on scientific, legal and applied metrology. There will be outstanding speakers such as senior leaders from the weighing industry and metrology institutes and key experts in the area of digitalisation.

The number of registrations is going well and we still plan to reach around 200 participants of the conference including many authorities and participants from outside Europe. This makes it a great opportunity to meet persons from outside your normal network. All weighing stakeholders can still register for the conference here. Even though there is no closing date of the registrations it is recommended to register by Wednesday 19 April the latest.

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Weighing you can trust campaign comes to an end

Users and buyers of weighing instruments are not always aware of the importance of different quality aspects of weighing instrument. To create this awareness, CECIP launched the ‘Weighing you can trust’ campaign which is now coming to an end. This campaign build on the previous ‘World with Weighing’ campaign.

During the last six months articles, social media posts and a dedicated campaign website were published to highlight different quality aspects. The different messages included a wide range of examples where quality weighing aspects such as speed, accuracy, reliability and connectivity had an impact various sectors. Overall, the campaign encouraged weighing instruments users and buyers...
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CECIP Newsletter Q4 2022

CECIP Newsletter Q4 2022


Registrations open for ICW 2023

From 24 to 26 April the first International Conference of Weighing (ICW) will take place in Hamburg. This conference will be the main event for everyone involved in the weighing sector. It brings together manufacturers, service providers, metrology institutes and authorities from all over the world to network and listen to interesting presentations.

The registrations for the event are now opened and you can register via the ICW website www.weighingconference.com. For the delegates that book early there is a discount which is applicable until 31 December 2022.

The programme is almost finalised and the latest version can be found on the website. It includes different sessions on legal, applied and scientific metrology making it an attractive programme for all. We’re glad to announce key speakers from metrology institutes, industry and authorities to discuss a range of topics related to digitalisation. 

More information on the venue, accommodation and sponsoring possibilities can be found on the conference website as well.


German court rules in favour of digital solution when displaying min, max, e

In the last years there have been a number of discussions on the different interpretation regarding the requirements to show min, max and e on a weighing display only and not on the plate. This issue was brought to the court where a regional German market surveillance authority (NRW) was of the opinion it should also be on a separate plate even though the digital display only option is explicitly allowed in the relevant OIML Recommendation, harmonised standard and WELMEC guide. According to the scale manufacturers involved it is allowed on the display only. CECIP fully supports this position of the involved scale manufacturers.

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CECIP newsletter Q3 2022

CECIP newsletter Q3 2022


CECIP ‘Weighing you can trust’ campaign launched

For all commercial transactions, research of production processes where weighing is involved it is essential the weighing results can be trusted by the user. However, the quality of weighing instruments and, consequently, the quality of weighing indications is often taken for granted. To raise awareness about the importance of quality weighing for businesses, CECIP launches the new ‘Weighing you can trust’ campaign. This campaign focusses on the different quality aspects that are part of weighing and the value of using the right partner when buying and maintaining weighing instruments. It is the successor of the World with Weighing campaign that was running last year and concentrated on the role of weighing in all aspects of our lives and businesses.

The main message of the campaign for businesses is to look for the right partner that can provide you with compliant quality weighing instruments that meet your wishes regarding various aspects. In the coming months a wide range of messages will be spread on social media to explain the importance of quality weighing in different sectors. Furthermore, articles will be published on the campaign website (www.worldwithweighing.com) and the website of the national associations.

CECIP visual reliability retail


International Conference of Weighing registrations opening soon

All stakeholders in the weighing sector are kindly invited for the first edition of the International Conference of Weighing (ICW) on 24-26 April 2023 in Hamburg, Germany. The ICW is a three-day conference organised by a partnership of weighing industry associations from different parts of the world (Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Europe, US, Argentina & Brazil) and international organisations OIML and BIPM. It will be a...
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CECIP Newsletter Q2 2022

CECIP Newsletter Q2 2022


Save the date: International Conference of Weighing 24-26 April 2023

All stakeholders in the weighing sector are kindly invited for the first edition of the International Conference of Weighing (ICW) on 24-26 April 2023 in Hamburg, Germany. The ICW is a three-day conference organised by a partnership of weighing industry associations from different parts of the world (Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Europe, US, Argentina & Brazil) and international organisations OIML and BIPM. It will be a key event for everyone involved in the weighing sector by bringing together researchers, industry and authorities. During the three days at Hotel Hafen there will be a large number of presentations on state of the art developments regarding scientific, legal and applied metrology. Moreover, it is an excellent opportunity to meet relevant stakeholders from all over the world. The focus of the first edition is ‘Weighing in a global digital world’.

The programme is currently being prepared and you will be updated when there is more information. Interested stakeholders are already encouraged to save the date in their agenda and registration will open after the summer. For regular updates you can visit the website www.weighingconference.com.

CECIP is looking forward to welcoming you at the first International Conference of Weighing in 2023.

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CECIP held successful GA in London

From 24 to 26 June the 72nd CECIP General Assembly took place in London where CECIP was hosted by the UKWF. After three years with two online GAs all participants were glad to be able to meet each other in person again. The GA started with the meetings from the Board, BTG and LMG on Wednesday and Thursday morning.

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CECIP Newsletter Q1 2022

CECIP Newsletter Q1 2022


CECIP General Assembly 2022 confirmed for 22-24 June in London

CECIP wants to invite all its members to the 72nd CECIP General Assembly. The GA will take place from 22 to 24 June where we’ll be hosted by the UKWF in the Tower Hotel in the centre of London. After the physical general assembly was postponed twice, we are glad to confirm the General Assembly 2022 will take place as physical meeting.

The GA starts with the BTG and Board meeting on Wednesday afternoon. On Thursday there will be the LMG meeting in the morning and LMG seminar in the afternoon. For the welcome reception on Thursday evening there will be a cruise on the Thames. On Friday we start with the Presidents’ meeting and closed part of the GA in the morning and the open part in the afternoon. There will also be a partner’s programme. In the evening there will be a gala dinner in Cutler’s hall. More details on the programme of the LMG seminar and open part of the GA will follow. The full programme can be found here.

Registration is possible until 8 June via this website.

Unfortunately, the last two years showed us that there is no absolute certainty with respect to the covid situation. So, we’ll continue to follow the situation closely and keep you informed in case something changes.


Updates from Europe webinar on WELMEC

On 30 March the second edition of the CECIP Updates from Europe webinar took place. This time the focus was on the European metrology organisation WELMEC. During the webinar over 70 CECIP members listened to presentations from WELMEC vice-chair Marc Wouters to introduce WELMEC, WG2 convenor Ivan Kriz...
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