
CECIP Newsletter Q1 2019

CECIP Newsletter Q1 2019


Amendment to EU Directive on definition of kilogram

In November the new definition of the kilogram was approved at the General Conference on Weights and Measures and this new definition will come into force on 20 May 2019. Therefore, the relevant European legislation needs to be amended as well. The European Commission is preparing an amendment to Directive 80/181/EEC on the definition of SI base units. A first draft of the amendment has been published and can be found here (annexes). It is expected that this new amendment to Directive 80/181/EEC will be published in one of the coming months.


Simplify software requirements to make them futureproof

Last year CECIP published its position on the simplification of software requirements. This position stressed that the detailed software requirements for weighing instruments that are set in WELMEC guides are overly technical and complicated. They are also open to different interpretations. Therefore, CECIP is calling for simpler, consistent and futureproof requirements set in WELMEC guides.

The position is now updated with two main new concrete actions. These are:

Incorporate guide 2.3 requirements in guide 7.2

Whilst recognising the significance of the Guide 2.3 in the development and design of Non-automatic weighing instruments CECIP also recognise that the Guide 2.3 is now anachronistic and does not reflect the rapidly changing technologies in the market place. CECIP is of the view that the improved methods of software control can most easily achieved by revoking the Guide 2.3 and incorporating requirements that relate to NAWI’s in the Guide 7.2.

Further develop risk-based approach

Current WELMEC Guides only consider technical solutions to control software and do not consider procedural quality-based solutions that would enable...
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CECIP Newsletter Q4 2018

CECIP Newsletter Q4 2018



Brussels, 21 November 2018 - CECIP, the European weighing industry association, called for strengthening of the EU single market during a breakfast organised in the European Parliament that was hosted by Czech MEP Dita Charanzová (ALDE).

MEP Dita Charanzová also opened the breakfast. She supported a strong EU market saying:” The EU single market is important for all sectors. A common market must support the four freedoms, including for services. But as with all legislation, the devil is in the details, and the devil is how we interpret rules and regulations. We need the Commission to ensure existing harmonised standards are respected by national authorities and that the principle of mutual recognition is further extended to services. This means greater market surveillance and renewed offers to reduce national barriers by the Commission.”

Various aspects of a further strengthening of the EU single market for goods and services were discussed during the breakfast. One important area for CECIP is the harmonisation of reverification requirements. During the breakfast CECIP President Urs Widmer explained: “CECIP believes the EU single market is one of the strengths of the European weighing industry. With new initiatives such as a harmonisation of the reverification requirements the competitiveness of the European industry and consumer protection can be improved. Member States and the European Commission are encouraged to work on a further harmonisation of these reverification requirements.”

Mr Stefano Soro, Head of the Biotechnology and Food Supply Chain Unit of European Commission´s DG GROW, responded stressing the importance of legal metrology and the European Single Market. Furthermore, the important point of improved market surveillance was raised during the breakfast. CECIP members consider the placing on the market...
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